How we can help you?

Balance your body, Qi flow and strengthen through my individual approach
that is as individual as you.

Our Services

Auricular & Tuina

Auricular treatment is a specialized form of acupuncture that focuses on the ear. It involves the stimulation of specific points on the ear, known as ear acupoints, to treat various health conditions, including pain, stress, and addiction. Tuina uses stimulate the acupoints and meridians, helping to improve the flow of Qi and reduce pain and discomfort. Acupuncture uses the same treatment principle as the above, with the use of acupuncture needles.

Art Therapy and Counselling

Art Therapy & counselling seeks to address an individual’s entire being and support them in achieving a state of balance and well-being in all areas of their life. This approach recognizes that each person is unique and that their experiences are shaped by a variety of factors, including their environment, relationships, beliefs, and past experiences. By taking a holistic approach, the counsellor can help the individual to better understand and address the underlying causes of their issues and support them in creating lasting positive change, through discussions, paintings, clay work, drawings, and abstract art. Art Therapy assists to help clients express, interpret and resolve thoughts and emotions. Art can tap into the unconscious, and reveal aspects of ourself that we may not be aware off


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herbs are integral to TCM practices, aiming to restore balance and treat health issues by addressing imbalances in the body’s yin, yang, and Qi. These herbs are customized for each individual through detailed assessments and are often combined in complex formulas. They can be administered in various forms such as teas, capsules, or tinctures, targeting the root causes of ailments to enhance overall health and wellness.

Auricular & Tuina

Our Olympic games showed cased cupping done on the swimmers’ shoulders. This is a traditional therapy spanning many cultures. It involves placing a cup on the skin under suction. This is used to address pain, inflammation and musculoskeletal issues. The cups can stay on the body for 5-15 minutes, the timing depends very much on the client, and the amount energy they have and the disorder. The cups may or may not leave a mark on the skin, which looks like a hickey, or a bruise, which stays with you for a few minutes to a few days. Do not swim for 24 hours and be mindful of the events you go to. Cupping colour, indicates a level of blood stagnation, Qi stagnation accumulation of toxin and damp. Resulting in alleviates muscular and joint pain, improved blood circulation, releases tension and toxins and can even remove cold, leaving a calming effect on the nervous system.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Is well known, and highly regarded method to improve the appearance of the skin and reduces the signs of aging. But it is much more than superficial. As the treatments addresses underlying deficiencies or excess. Facial acupuncture will stimulate collagen production, increase blood circulation and promote overall skin rejuvenation.

What would you use Acupuncture for?
  • Nausea
  • Fertility issues (Male and Female)
  • Post Pregnancy
  • Menstruation (THIS SHOULD NOT! HURT)
  • Menopause
  • Muscular skeletal
  • Planterphasia
  • Achillies tendon (Usually goes with neck pain!)
  • Indigestion, bowels
  • Bladder issues

YES THE LISY IS endless, and the research backs the benefits of acupuncture. we treat the hole person, anger, liver headache, can be all the same cause, treat the culprit, and the rest may well go away!

Educational Modules Choose Your Product from Our Portal
Training Material
Exercises, yoga, chair yoga
Exercises, Pilates, wall and mat
Strengthen and rehabilitate shoulder
Strengthen pelvic floor
Strengthen and rehabilitate gluteal
Strengthen and rehabilitate lower back
Free Recipes
Teas for winter cough and cold
Teas for strengthening your immune system
Teas for indigestion
Dermal needling for cosmetic

Frequently Asked Questions


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing and promote balance in the body’s energy flow. It’s commonly used to treat pain, relieve chronic conditions, and promote overall wellness. The practice is based on the concept of Qi (chi), which is understood as the body’s vital energy circulating through pathways called meridians. Acupuncture is widely recognized for its benefits in pain management and is used in various therapeutic and preventive health care settings.

Acupuncture typically causes little or no pain. Most people experience a slight prick as needles are inserted. After the needles are in place, some may feel a dull ache or a tingling sensation at the needle sites, which is normal and indicates the treatment is activating the intended points. The overall experience is usually considered relaxing, and many patients find acupuncture to be beneficial and with long lasting benefits.

Auricular acupuncture focuses on stimulating specific points on the ear, which is believed to be a microsystem reflecting the entire body. This technique is used for a variety of reasons: it’s particularly effective for treating pain and addiction, managing stress and anxiety, and promoting overall wellness. Its accessibility (since only the ear is involved) and the ease with which it can be administered make it a popular choice for quick and targeted treatments in various therapeutic settings, including detox clinics and stress relief programs.

Tuina (or “Tui Na”) is a form of traditional Chinese therapeutic massage that dates back over 2,000 years. It uses various hand techniques and manipulation, including brushing, kneading, rolling, pressing, and rubbing the areas between each of the joints (known as the eight gates) to attempt to open the body’s defensive (wei) chi and get the energy moving in both the meridians and the muscles. The technique is used to enhance blood circulation, reduce muscle pain, and improve the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. Tuina is commonly used for both chronic and acute musculoskeletal conditions, as well as for a range of non-musculoskeletal conditions. It is considered a key component of traditional Chinese medicine, similar to acupuncture and herbal medicine.

Cupping is a traditional therapy used in various cultures, prominently within Chinese medicine, where cups are placed on the skin to create suction. The suction is believed to increase blood flow to the area, promoting healing and relieving muscle tension and pain. It can also be used to improve respiratory conditions and stimulate the flow of “Qi” (vital energy) through the body’s meridians. Cupping may leave temporarily, round, bruise-like marks on the skin. The method is generally considered safe and is valued for its ability to reduce pain and enhance relaxation.

Yes, it’s possible to combine acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, tuina, and cupping in the same treatment session, depending on your specific health needs and goals. However, the decision to use multiple modalities, as well as the extent and sequence of each, should be made by a qualified practitioner. This professional will assess your individual condition and determine the most effective combination and sequence of treatments to address your concerns. The practitioner’s expertise ensures that the treatments complement each other and maximize the therapeutic benefits while minimizing any potential discomfort or side effects.

How can we help you ?

Call : 1300 188 007 Text/sms : +61 489 927 080