How we can help you?

B4Clicking - Cyber Awareness

Phishing vs Resilience

When phishing attacks are High, Resilience is low- resilience doesn’t remove the stress, it gives you the tools to adapt, and calmly proceed, what otherwise could be considered a stress.

Discover the Power of Cyber Security and Resilience: Safeguarding Your Financial Well-being in 7 Questions. Enhance awareness through threat detection, encryption, secure transactions, and contingency planning. Get a FREE Phishing campaign to gauge susceptibility and industry benchmarks. Empower your workforce as your first line of defence. Instant feedback ensures readiness against cyber threats. Let’s build knowledge together



B4Clicking not only offers phishing simulation tools but also aims to enhance organizational resilience by training individuals to become emotionally resilient in the face of cyber threats. Additionally, the platform provides IT support to ensure businesses can effectively implement the campaigns they need. Through Living Services, a managed service offered by B4Clicking, businesses receive comprehensive assistance to enhance cyber awareness and security. This includes a full package designed to fortify cyber defenses by providing both frontline cybersecurity measures and training to create a resilient human shield against attacks.

Human Shield
vs Fake Human

In the realm of cybersecurity, prioritizing phishing simulations with your own users is now as crucial as maintaining antivirus software and a firewall. It stands as a vital and engaging strategy to fortify your ultimate line of defense: your users.

Phishing ?
A noun meaning

‘the fraudulent practice of sending emails or other messages purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers’

Key is Training
AI working for you

Integrating AI with a comprehensive, interactive content library, Security Awareness Training offers personalized security education and simulated phishing exercises, equipping users to remain alert to social engineering threats.

1. Baseline testing, to gauge your training goals
2. Train your Users to be your first line of defense
3. Phishing Alert Button on your system
4. Continuous progress monitoring for evidence-based decision

How is the training achieved


How we support you

At Living Services, we prioritize our clients’ cyber awareness, information security, and emotional resilience. As part of our Managed Services Provider (MSP) offering, clients will have seamless access to their files and training modules, with the convenience of uploading and storing data securely on the Living Services portal. This portal serves as a centralized hub for all essential resources, ensuring that clients can efficiently manage their information and training needs. Our comprehensive IT support is can be accessed around the clock, with comprehensive information on their portal, which provides clients with timely assistance, we are contactable by phone or email outside of office hours, if urgent matters require a technical issue resolution they may be encountered.

One of the key features of our service is our proactive support during phishing campaigns. We work closely with clients to implement and monitor these campaigns, providing real-time feedback and guidance to help staff recognize and respond to phishing attempts effectively. This hands-on approach significantly enhances the staff’s ability to identify and mitigate potential cyber threats. However, if the clients wishes to run their own phishing campaigns this is also an option.

Our cyber training and awareness programs are sourced from an internationally renowned and respected service provider, known for their expertise and innovative solutions in cybersecurity. As the official MSP for this provider, Living Services delivers these top-tier training modules to our clients, ensuring they receive the most advanced and effective cyber education available.

By leveraging our robust information support and tailored training programs, clients can maximize their team’s potential. This comprehensive approach helps clients stay ahead in today’s digital landscape, maintaining a secure, informed, and resilient work environment. With Living Services, clients have the confidence that their cyber awareness and security needs are expertly managed, allowing them to focus on their core business objectives.

This is an ever changing landscape, we are here to keep you up to date, informed and current.

Quick TEST! DO it NOW
  • Quickly initiate your test for a maximum of 100 users
  • Pick from over 20 languages
  • We can tailor the phishing test template to suit your environment
  • Decide on the landing page your users encounter post-click.
  • Present users with missed red flags or a 404 page
  • Instant feedback to your users
  • Receive a PDF via email within 24 hours detailing your Phish-prone percentage
  • And charts for sharing with management
  • Assess your organization’s performance relative to others in your industry.
  • Take a GRIT test to gain your organization performance relative to industry and each other
  • As GRIT increases, we see a decrease in phishing attacks
Free Test - Try Now

Questions & Answers

Our Automated Security Awareness Program is designed to enhance your organization's security posture by educating employees on the latest security threats and best practices.

Pre and post testing was designed to give you a baseline to where you are at. Its like a pain, how do you know its getting better if you didn’t qualify it at the onset. If we know were we are at, we can set targets, every business is different with different strengths, one size does NOT fit all.

Prevention is the key. Keep up to date with the latest phishing techniques. B4Clicking, does it come from a verified safe site?, are you running Malware, have you got firewalls. Do you allow your employees to transfer information via USB. Your last line of defence is your users, and education is the only prevention.

Baseline testing and the monthly assess to reinforce the ongoing training for phish prone the percentage is expected to decrease for your users. The ongoing testing allows for readjustment of frequency and learning.

Cyber security awareness is essential because it helps protect personal information, prevents cyber attacks, safeguards workplace security, ensures compliance with legal requirements, promotes safe online behavior, enhances device security, builds a culture of security, and mitigates damage in case of security breaches. It empowers individuals and organizations to act proactively against cyber threats, making it a critical component of modern digital life.

Cyber security awareness is essential because it helps protect personal information, prevents cyber attacks, safeguards workplace security, ensures compliance with legal requirements, promotes safe online behavior, enhances device security, builds a culture of security, and mitigates damage in case of security breaches. It empowers individuals and organizations to act proactively against cyber threats, making it a critical component of modern digital life.

How can we help you ?

Call : 1300 188 007 Text/sms : +61 489 927 080